Real Results, Real People, Real Success: A NetSuite Optimization Story

April 4, 2024
A NetSuite Optimization Story - Laptop screen displaying various customization choices for personalizing.

Did you know that 84 out of 100 companies on the Forbes Cloud 100 list use NetSuite for their business?

Add to that the 22 of the Wall Street Journal’s “Billion Dollar Startups” that use NetSuite. Even businesses like ASICS, GoPro, and Charlotte Tilbury are successful customers of NetSuite!

But the question is: How did NetSuite help these brands reach the top?

It’s simple—NetSuite optimization.

All these companies made the smart and informed decision to ensure their NetSuite system perfectly matched their business needs and goals.

So, whether you’re a small, midsized, or big company—there’s a NetSuite feature that can help scale your business.

Still undecided if NetSuite Optimization is worth the investment for your business? Read the benefits below to make an informed decision as the top businesses listed above. 

What is NetSuite Optimization?

Before we dive into the nitty gritty statistics of success, let’s break down what NetSuite optimization is all about.

NetSuite is a cloud-based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. 

The NetSuite system uncomplicates the limitedness brought on by one-track programs. It simplifies things for you rather than using singular applications for specific needs.

In fact, 49% of companies experienced significant improvement in their process after implementation.

Take note though: Optimization is different from the implementation itself.

NetSuite Optimization versus Implementation

Implementation is the process of setting up and configuring the NetSuite software. It focuses on meeting the specific needs of your business.

NetSuite optimization fine-tunes and customizes your NetSuite to enhance performance. This process maximizes the tool's efficiency and effectiveness. Plus, it helps your business reach its goals.

The Benefits of NetSuite Optimization

What can NetSuite Optimization do for your business? And what makes it worth the investment?

  1. Increases efficiency
  2. Reduces IT costs
  3. Improves decision-making

1. Increases efficiency

Did you know that fully automating at least one function can decrease errors in data entry? This gives your business improved data accuracy and an increase in customer satisfaction.

NetSuite optimization also does the heavy lifting on manual work by automating tasks. This frees up time for your team to focus on more pressing business matters.

With NetSuite's powerful features, you can maximize productivity, reduce errors, and save time.

2. Reduces IT costs

Gone are the days of expensive on-premise hardware and software maintenance. But growing your business is easier than ever thanks to NetSuite.

With NetSuite-certified support, you get post-live help for day-to-day business problems. This feature alone has helped companies reduce their IT costs by 40%

3. Improve decision-making

How do accurate and real-time data and analytics help with all the moving parts of your business? You get to make better, more informed choices.

Your team can easily identify what areas of your business need work. And you can adapt to market changes rapidly, which leads to better strategic planning.

NetSuite optimization also keeps you in the loop on its new features and functions. This makes growing your business a smoother and easier process for the whole team.

Download the Salary Guide to compare average salaries of top NetSuite ERP professionals.

Our Inspirational Success Stories

We can try to convince you that NetSuite optimization is the right move for your business. But we all know the results speak for themselves.
Here's what our clients have to say after experiencing the Atticus treatment themselves:

Your Go-To Resource for NetSuite Talent

First up is Michelle of XX company. Michelle first came to us to express her company's need for (insert pain point/problem/need).

They were struggling to find the right NetSuite expert to reach their business goals. After extensive research, she came across Atticus Solutions.

Reading through our services, she immediately booked a call with our NetSuite experts.

“What sets Atticus apart is their unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional customer service. Additionally, their competitive pricing structure allows us to maintain healthy margins as a consulting firm. Atticus has truly become our go-to resource for NetSuite talent.”

To date, Michelle's firm continues to grow their way to success. 
Flexible and Customer-Centric Service

Another satisfied Atticus Solutions client is Bryan of the Service Now Business App.

Bryan's team was struggling to keep up with the influx of customer inquiries manually. After receiving several feedback from unsatisfied customers, Bryan knew they needed extra support. 

He then reached out to us after discovering our unique customer-centricity and flexibility.

“Their remote team, working the night shift from the Philippines to align with the Eastern Timezone, provides a level of adaptability that is unmatched.”

How did our team of NetSuite experts help? Our round-the-clock support empowered Bryan to resolve issues that came ServiceNow's way swiftly.

Now, no email goes unanswered. You can expect a swift response from the ServiceNow team. All thanks to NetSuite optimization.

Loyalty That Grows Your Business for You

Sarah was in the throws of developing her brand. She took it upon herself to run her NetSuite system for maximum efficiency. 

But as her business continued to take off, so did the amount of manual work she had to get done. As a solutions-oriented entrepreneur, she knew better than to do it all herself.

"Our journey with Atticus began with one NetSuite developer."

From drowning in shipping orders and staying on top of admin work, things quickly changed.

She wasn't just seeing an increase in sales and satisfied customer feedback. Her business process began performing better and getting work done faster.

"The results were so outstanding that we expanded our team to 15 strong."

With NetSuite optimization, expanding her team was no longer a pipe dream. It was a need and her reality!

"What's truly remarkable is the longevity of our team members, with our most senior developer staying with us for nearly four years – a rarity in the fast-paced NetSuite environment."

At Atticus Solutions, we don't believe in a one-and-done offer. We know how hard you work on your business, and our certified NetSuite experts are wired to see the value in what you do.

Key Takeaway

If you're looking for a way to make your business grow, then NetSuite optimization is the ideal next step.

Need to increase efficiency? Reduce IT costs? Or maybe you want to make more smart and informed choices? There's a NetSuite feature designed to help your business succeed.

Fine-tuning your current NetSuite system through optimization can make all the difference, including:

  • Improve internal performance
  • Boost productivity
  • Save time and cutting down costs
  • Reducing errors
  • Streamline your processes, and
  • Enhance your NetSuite system.

Want to grow your business and go toe to toe with the best of the best? Partner with us.

With Atticus Solutions, we make your life easier. We address any performance issues to help you keep up with business demands. So you can get the best of out your software investment.

Set a meeting today to discuss how we can optimize your NetSuite!

Long-Term Costs
Cost-effective for skilled talent
Cost-effective but needs initial investment
High, offers control and flexibility
Moderate, reduces overhead
Initial training and technology
Highest initial and ongoing costs
Access to nearby skilled talent
Large global talent pool
Maximum control over operations
Download the Salary Guide to compare average salaries of top NetSuite ERP professionals.
Key Differences
Not over PHP 250,000
Not over USD 434.49
Over PHP 250,000 but not over PHP 400,000
15% of the excess over PHP 250,000
Over USD 434.49 but not over USD 695.18
Over PHP 400,000 but not over PHP 800,000
PHP 22,500 + 20% of the excess over PHP 400,000
Over USD 695.18 but not over USD 1,390.36
Over PHP 800,000 but not over PHP 2,000,000
PHP 102,500 + 25% of the excess over PHP 800,000
Over USD 1,390.36 but not over USD 34,759.04

Frequently Asked Questions


Compare NetSuite ERP talent salaries

Attracting top NetSuite talent with clear job descriptions is the first step. Understanding salaries is your next key move! Download this free salary guide to view talent costs, offshore hiring tips, and more

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