How to Implement Netsuite on a Budget: Experts Share Their Best Cost-Cutting Hacks

November 7, 2023
Two people holding a calculator and paper with a calculator. Experts Share Their Best Cost-Cutting Hacks.

NetSuite is a powerful and comprehensive enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that offers a wide range of functionalities to businesses of all sizes. While its benefits are undeniable, some organizations may be concerned about the potential costs of implementing NetSuite. And with careful planning, strategic decision-making, and resourcefulness, it is possible to implement NetSuite on a budget without compromising efficiency and effectiveness. 

In this article, we will explore practical tips on NetSuite implementation costs and keeping it on a budget.

Is The NetSuite Implementation Cost Worth It?

Businesses, especially those looking to adapt innovation and technological advances, need more convincing when implementing ERP systems. Surely, business leaders and owners have come across proposals to improve their processes and promote their productivity. However, many have yet to be chosen due to several factors, such as cost and efficiency.

NetSuite has become one of the most popular ERP solutions today and for good reason. Companies have come to trust NetSuite’s ability to help streamline and automate their processes.

For this reason, it’s a must to understand the benefits and results that come with NetSuite implementation costs. However, it’s important to note that NetSuite costs may depend on various factors.

Diving head first on NetSuite implementation without knowing the cost is a risky business move. Many recommend consulting with a certified NetSuite consultant or expert to ensure you implement the system correctly and acquire the right features. This way, you can maximize your budget and avoid any unnecessary expenses.

 Analyzing costs with laptop and graph

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What are the Main Costs of NetSuite Implementation?

NetSuite is a comprehensive cloud-based business management software. And while it can help improve your business processes and save money, finding accurate and up-to-date NetSuite pricing online can be quite the challenge. The primary reason for this is that each NetSuite implementation costing may differ based on your unique business needs and objectives.

NetSuite offers so many options and levels. How much you would have to shell out will greatly depend on the specifics of your implementation. Take note that your company size, as well as process complexity, industry requirements, preferred modules, and more, can have an effect.

To further elaborate, here are the main costs associated with NetSuite implementation.


The most significant cost that comes along with your NetSuite implementation is its software licensing fee. Moreover, its pricing is based on a per-user, per-month basis. This only means that its cost will vary depending on your specific requirements. The higher the number of users and modules acquired, the higher the price.

NetSuite has key functional areas like financial management, revenue management, inventory management, order management, billing, e-commerce, and CRM. Given its robust functions and reputation as one of the leading ERP systems on the market, it comes with a matching price tag.

Add-ons and SuiteApps

Apart from your software licensing fee, you can further enhance your NetSuite functionality with additional features. Availing of this will incur additional costs; however, it is up to you to decide whether you will opt-in on it or not.

Implementation Services

Partnering with a NetSuite implementation partner is necessary, especially for those who want to ensure a smooth implementation process. Depending on the complexity and the scope of work, this may add to your business expenses.

Customization and Integration

NetSuite allows customization and integration, making it an in-demand solution for businesses looking to automate and streamline their processes. If you’re looking to integrate your NetSuite with other platforms and third-party applications, additional costs may apply.

Data Migration

Depending on your previous systems, migrating data from it to your NetSuite can be challenging. This may cost you, but it will greatly depend on how complex the data migration process will be.

netsuite implementation cost data migration


With a new system implementation, it’s important to assist the users in navigating the system. A NetSuite implementation may cost you training fees.

Don’t hesitate to analyze your business needs. This will help you create a comprehensive NetSuite implementation plan. You can also seek a discussion with potential NetSuite partners for a more accurate estimate. 

Moreover, regard your NetSuite implementation costs as an investment. In the long run, this will benefit your business, and eventually, you’ll reap the rewards.

Best Cost-Cutting Hacks From NetSuite Experts

Any cost-cutting hacks can be valuable for businesses looking to optimize their expenses. While every industry and organization may have its own strategies, here are what NetSuite experts have to say:

Define Your Requirements Clearly

This is the first step in implementing NetSuite on a budget: clearly defining your organization's needs and requirements. You can conduct a thorough analysis of your business processes and identify the essential functionalities NetSuite must address. 

While it can be pretty tempting to avail amazing features, avoid falling into the trap of unnecessary customizations and add-ons. Doing so can significantly increase your NetSuite implementation costs. By being firm and focusing only on what your business truly needs, you can keep your NetSuite implementation cost-effective.

Select the Right Implementation Partner

Choosing the right implementation partner is crucial for a budget-conscious implementation. Research and shortlist experienced NetSuite implementation partners who have a proven track record of successful projects. Request quotes from multiple partners and compare their costs. 

Look for consultants familiar with your industry and can provide valuable insights to streamline the implementation process. For instance, Atticus Solutions has certified and reliable NetSuite consultants to help you manage and optimize your NetSuite system. 

With Atticus as your implementation partner, tackle even the most complex request for your NetSuite solutions. Check their references and success stories to see how they have helped numerous businesses grow to their full potential.

Consider a Phased Approach

Instead of trying to implement the entire NetSuite system at once, consider a step-by-step approach. You can start off by implementing core modules that address your most critical business needs. After which, you can decide whether to add more functionality.

A phased implementation approach allows you to spread costs over time and allows your team to gradually adapt to the new system. It also enables you to identify any challenges or issues early on and address them before moving on to the next phase.

Utilize In-House Expertise

Leveraging your in-house expertise can significantly reduce implementation costs. See whether you have employees with prior experience in ERP implementation or IT skills relevant to NetSuite. 

Once you find you do, you can assign specific roles and responsibilities to these individuals to work alongside external consultants. Their knowledge of your organization's unique requirements and processes can significantly help streamline the implementation. This will help your business minimize the need for extensive external assistance.

Opt for Cloud-Based Solutions

NetSuite is a cloud-based ERP system. This kind of system can benefit you as choosing a cloud-based solution can help you save on infrastructure costs. 

Hosting NetSuite in the cloud eliminates the need for on-premises servers, which entails separate costing. It also reduces the burden of hardware maintenance and upgrades that comes with time.

Additionally, cloud-based solutions can provide your business with the added advantage of scalability. NetSuite can enable your business to adjust resources as needed without incurring significant expenses.

Limit Customization

While customization can make NetSuite perfectly tailored to your organization, it can also add substantial costs to the implementation process. You can opt to limit customization to only what is necessary. Prioritize your critical business requirements.

You can also take advantage of NetSuite's built-in features and configurations. These functionalities often address many common needs without the need for customization. 

It’s important to keep in mind that sometimes less is more. Excessive customization may complicate future upgrades and maintenance. Doing so can potentially add to your business’ long-term expenses.

Focus on Effective Team Training

Given its complexities, proper training is essential for the successful implementation of your NetSuite. For this instance, you can invest in comprehensive NetSuite training for your team. This can help them make the most of the system's capabilities and avoid costly errors, benefitting your business further. 

You can supplement your training programs with NetSuite's training resources and materials. Encourage continuous learning and development in your team to ensure they remain up-to-date and proficient with the system over time.

Plan Data Migration Carefully

Data migration is a critical aspect of implementing NetSuite. Because of this, it is essential to plan and organize your data carefully before migration. It can help you avoid any unnecessary complications and expenses. 

Make sure to cleanse and validate your business data to ensure accuracy and integrity during the migration process. Ask your team to help conduct data tests and validations. This move will help you determine and resolve any potential issues early on.

Negotiate Post-Implementation Support

Negotiate the post-implementation support costs before finalizing your NetSuite implementation agreement with your chosen NetSuite service provider. It’s critical that you fully understand the ongoing maintenance fees and support options available. 

Don’t forget to clarify the service level agreements (SLAs). This can help ensure that the support aligns with your organization's needs. Securing favorable post-implementation support terms can help you effectively manage your business’ long-term costs.

Leverage Available Community Resources

Immediately join trusted NetSuite user communities and forums. You can ask this from your NetSuite partner. From there, you can learn from other users' experiences. 

Take advantage of this opportunity. These communities provide spaces where you can engage in discussions and seek advice from those who have already implemented NetSuite. It gives you access to valuable insights and resources. Other community members can also offer valuable tips, best practices, and cost-saving measures you may have yet to consider.

Partner With Atticus Solutions for a Cost-Effective NetSuite Implementation

Implementing NetSuite on a budget requires careful planning, resourcefulness, and a focus on essential functionalities. As a business, you should be able to define your requirements clearly, select the right implementation partner, consider a phased approach, leverage in-house expertise, and make strategic decisions. This can aid you in achieving a cost-effective NetSuite implementation that empowers your business to thrive without breaking the bank.

With Atticus Solutions and our team of NetSuite experts at the helm, your business can enjoy NetSuite on a budget. Our certified consultants can give you a hand in carefully planning your NetSuite implementation. We can help you focus on the most essential functionalities, allowing you to avoid unnecessary costs.

While cost-cutting is a priority, it is essential to strike a balance between cutting down on expenses and maintaining the quality of products and services. Strategic cost-cutting should still uphold the core values and competitiveness of your business. 

At Atticus, we can assist you in aligning NetSuite with your business needs, driving efficiency and growth while managing costs effectively.

Book a call with us today to discuss how we can help!

Long-Term Costs
Cost-effective for skilled talent
Cost-effective but needs initial investment
High, offers control and flexibility
Moderate, reduces overhead
Initial training and technology
Highest initial and ongoing costs
Access to nearby skilled talent
Large global talent pool
Maximum control over operations
Download the Salary Guide to compare average salaries of top NetSuite ERP professionals.
Key Differences
Not over PHP 250,000
Not over USD 434.49
Over PHP 250,000 but not over PHP 400,000
15% of the excess over PHP 250,000
Over USD 434.49 but not over USD 695.18
Over PHP 400,000 but not over PHP 800,000
PHP 22,500 + 20% of the excess over PHP 400,000
Over USD 695.18 but not over USD 1,390.36
Over PHP 800,000 but not over PHP 2,000,000
PHP 102,500 + 25% of the excess over PHP 800,000
Over USD 1,390.36 but not over USD 34,759.04

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