Steps to Becoming NetSuite Support Certified

July 12, 2023
Support on laptop screen - Becoming NetSuite Support Certified.

How do you become a certified NetSuite professional?

  1. Select the most appropriate NetSuite certification for you
  2. Train, study, and practice to hone your NetSuite skills
  3. Register, take the exam, and see the result
  4. Maintain your NetSuite certification

Becoming NetSuite Support certified is a significant milestone for individuals seeking to excel in the field of NetSuite administration and support. This certification serves as a validation of your expertise in efficiently managing and resolving issues within NetSuite ERP systems, making you a valuable asset to businesses in need of support.To obtain your NetSuite Support certification, you'll need to follow a clear and structured process that includes comprehensive training, practical experience, and successfully passing the certification exam. By embarking on this journey, you'll enhance your skills and unlock exciting career opportunities within the dynamic NetSuite ecosystem.In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of becoming NetSuite certified, equipping you with the knowledge and guidance necessary to navigate the path toward achieving your goal.

Select the Most Appropriate NetSuite Certification for You

Choosing the most suitable NetSuite certification is the first step towards advancing your career in the NetSuite ecosystem. With NetSuite offering a diverse range of certifications tailored to different roles and expertise, it's essential to select the certification that aligns perfectly with your job responsibilities and aspirations.NetSuite provides seven certifications catering to administrators, designers, specialists, and end-users. As an administrator, you have five credentials to choose from, each serving a specific purpose:

  • Suite Foundation: The initial level certification for administrators, developers, and consultants.
  • Administrator: Focuses on leading daily operations and standardizing NetSuite applications.
  • Suite Cloud Developer: Develop and deploy customized solutions to enhance NetSuite functionality.
  • Commerce Developer: Concentrates on development for NetSuite's Commerce solution.
  • ERP Consultant: Specializes in the implementation and optimization of NetSuite ERP modules.

Besides this, there are two certifications available for end-users:

  • Financial User: Provides basic finance and accounting interface skills.
  • SuiteAnalytics User: Equips you with knowledge of NetSuite reporting, big data, and business analytics.

By selecting the certification that fits your career goals and interests with NetSuite, you can demonstrate your expertise in the relevant areas and bolster your professional credibility within the industry.

Train, Study, and Practice to Hone Your NetSuite Skills

Train, Study, and Practice to Hone Your NetSuite Skills

Becoming NetSuite support certified requires a dedicated investment of time and effort in training, studying the available materials, and practicing your skills. This commitment will equip you with the proficiency and expertise needed to effectively leverage the diverse features and functionalities of NetSuite.By immersing yourself in training and study, you not only enhance your professional credibility but also demonstrate your dedication to staying up-to-date with industry best practices.Fortunately, NetSuite provides a wealth of resources specifically designed to support your certification preparation. Make the most of these resources directly provided by NetSuite. Start by thoroughly studying their comprehensive manual, which offers a detailed "how-to" guide tailored to the specific certification you are pursuing. This manual serves as a valuable reference to help you grasp the essential concepts and skills required for certification.You should also take advantage of the sample tests made available by NetSuite. These tests are designed to simulate the format and difficulty level of the actual certification exam, offering you an opportunity to practice and familiarize yourself with the exam structure and the material covered in the certification.

Register, Take the Exam, and See the Result

To advance in your NetSuite certification journey, it's time to take action and complete the final steps. Here's a concise guide on what to do:


Visit the NetSuite Certification website and create an account or log in if you already have one. Explore the available certifications and select the one that aligns with your goals and expertise. Click on your chosen certification and proceed to the registration page. Fill out the required information, pay the exam fee if applicable, and complete the registration process.


After registration, you will receive instructions on how to schedule your exam. NetSuite partners with a testing service provider, so you'll be directed to their website. Follow the instructions provided to choose a convenient date, time, and testing center for your exam. On the exam day, arrive early, bring the necessary identification documents, and be prepared to showcase your knowledge and skills


Upon completing the exam, you will receive your results immediately or shortly after the exam session ends. Typically, you'll receive a score report indicating whether you have passed or failed. If you pass, congratulations! You'll receive a certificate or a digital badge to showcase your achievement. In case of a failed attempt, you may have the opportunity to retake the exam after a waiting period.Stay vigilant by regularly checking your email for any updates regarding your exam results and certification status from the certification program or testing service provider.By following these steps, you'll be on your way to becoming NetSuite support certified and unlocking exciting career opportunities in the NetSuite ecosystem.

Download the Salary Guide to compare average salaries of top NetSuite ERP professionals.

Maintain Your NetSuite Certification

Maintain Your NetSuite Certification

As a dynamic platform, NetSuite constantly introduces new features, updates, failures, and enhancements. By maintaining your certification, you demonstrate your commitment to staying up to date with these changes and ensuring your skills remain relevant.This is especially important for administer-level certifications. These need to be updated annually by taking the Annual Release Quiz provided by NetSuite. These exist to keep certified professionals updated with the ERP’s latest features.Doing so showcases your dedication to professional development and continuous learning. It signals to clients and employers that you are actively investing in enhancing your expertise and staying at the forefront of NetSuite knowledge. This can build trust and credibility in your abilities, creating opportunities for career advancement and growth.

Key Takeaway

This article just taught you how to become a NetSuite support certified. It requires a structured approach and dedication to mastering the platform. By completing the necessary training, studying the provided materials, and practicing your skills, you can develop the proficiency needed to navigate and leverage NetSuite effectively. The certification process provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate your expertise and commitment to professional growth.Atticus Solutions offers Filipino NetSuite professionals that are in demand both in the Philippines and abroad, including the U.S.A. We have a talented pool of licensed NetSuite experts with the necessary skills needed by various industries. Take your NetSuite exam and become a part of our NetSuite team! For more information, contact Atticus Solutions here.

Long-Term Costs
Cost-effective for skilled talent
Cost-effective but needs initial investment
High, offers control and flexibility
Moderate, reduces overhead
Initial training and technology
Highest initial and ongoing costs
Access to nearby skilled talent
Large global talent pool
Maximum control over operations
Download the Salary Guide to compare average salaries of top NetSuite ERP professionals.
Key Differences
Not over PHP 250,000
Not over USD 434.49
Over PHP 250,000 but not over PHP 400,000
15% of the excess over PHP 250,000
Over USD 434.49 but not over USD 695.18
Over PHP 400,000 but not over PHP 800,000
PHP 22,500 + 20% of the excess over PHP 400,000
Over USD 695.18 but not over USD 1,390.36
Over PHP 800,000 but not over PHP 2,000,000
PHP 102,500 + 25% of the excess over PHP 800,000
Over USD 1,390.36 but not over USD 34,759.04

Frequently Asked Questions


Compare NetSuite ERP talent salaries

Attracting top NetSuite talent with clear job descriptions is the first step. Understanding salaries is your next key move! Download this free salary guide to view talent costs, offshore hiring tips, and more

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