From Start to Finish: Strategies for Onboarding and Offboarding Remote NetSuite Admins

April 17, 2024

If you run a business that uses NetSuite software, you know why having a skilled administrator manage your system matters. A NetSuite administrator maintains the system, ensures data accuracy, and manages user access. Without them, you could run into problems that could impact your operations.

Hiring a NetSuite administrator is a crucial decision that requires careful consideration. You need someone with the skills and experience to manage your system effectively. 

So, what is the role of a NetSuite administrator, and where can you find qualified candidates? 

We'll share how to set up your future employees for success and offboard them smoothly (when necessary).

What is the Role of a NetSuite Administrator?

If you're on the hunt for a NetSuite Administrator, there are three factors you must consider.

  1. What are their core responsibilities?
  2. Do they have the necessary skills and experience to manage your NetSuite system?
  3. What qualifications and certifications do they have to help your business thrive?

Core Responsibilities

Simply put, a NetSuite Administrator manages and maintains your company's NetSuite system. Their tasks include data entry, reporting, workflow, customization, permissions, dashboards, analytics, finance, and operations. 

A NetSuite administrator is your go-to person for any issue that may pop up. They ensure that your system is in tip-top shape. 

Strong communication skills are a key quality to look for in a potential candidate. Since they work with end-users, they need to understand your business needs. 

They should be able to translate those needs into technical solutions and implement them into your NetSuite system.

Pay attention to candidates with project management skills. It will make planning and executing system updates and upgrades more efficient.

Download the Salary Guide to compare average salaries of top NetSuite ERP professionals.

Necessary Skills and Qualifications

A successful NetSuite Administrator has a combination of technical and soft skills. 

Technical skills include a strong grasp of the NetSuite platform. You'll want a candidate with experience in data management, reporting, and customization.

For soft skills, choose someone with solid communication and project management skills and a proven ability to work well in a team.

This role often requires a bachelor's degree in business, information technology, or a related field. Relevant certifications like the NetSuite Administrator Certification are also highly desirable.

Certifications and Training

Have you found a candidate with a Netsuite Administrator Certification? This valuable credential displays a strong understanding of the NetSuite platform. 

A NetSuite Administrator Certification proves a candidate can effectively manage and maintain your NetSuite system.

NetSuite offers a range of training options, including online courses, instructor-led training, and customized training programs.

You'll want a candidate who invests in ongoing training and stays up-to-date with the latest NetSuite features and functionality.

Where to Find NetSuite Administrators

Due to high demand, finding the right NetSuite Administrator can often feel like finding a needle in a haystack.

With highly competitive compensation packages and benefits, most NetSuite Administrators are either already in-house or working with multiple clients.

As your business continues its upward growth, the last thing you want is to settle for candidates who are "just fine.”

So, where do you go to find qualified candidates that match your business needs and budget?

Atticus Advisory Solutions

Atticus Advisory Solutions is a staffing agency that specializes in supporting technology consulting firms, startups, and small to medium enterprises that use or sell cloud technology platforms such as Netsuite, AWS, ServiceNow, and more.

Using Atticus Solutions, you’ll get NetSuite experts who can hit the ground running right away. While experts handle the complexities of NetSuite, you can focus on strategy, recruiting, and training.

Working with Atticus means you connect with the top 1% of NetSuite talents with no upfront cost in the selection process. Take your pick of contractors, part-timers, and full-time employees at any timezone with a fixed management fee.


AndersonFrank specializes in connecting skilled professionals with companies in need of expertise in NetSuite implementation, customization, and support through candidate placement, job listings, and meticulous candidate screening. 

Their consultancy services offer valuable advice on market trends, salary benchmarks, and hiring strategies within the NetSuite niche, benefiting both candidates and clients.

Additionally, AndersonFrank provides client support, aiding companies in identifying their staffing needs and securing the ideal candidates to fulfill those roles, making them a trusted partner in navigating the complexities of NetSuite talent acquisition.


Concentrus is another trusted option for NetSuite solutions. Their comprehensive suite of services includes NetSuite implementation, customization, integration, and ongoing support.

With a team of experienced consultants and developers, Concentrus works closely with clients to understand their specific requirements and deliver customized solutions that drive efficiency and growth. 

Whether streamlining business processes, optimizing workflows, or integrating third-party applications, Concentrus provides expert guidance and support every step of the way.

Setting Your Employees Up

Once you've matched with your ideal NetSuite Administrator, it's time to integrate them into your team.

Ensuring your employees are properly configured to use the system will easily set them up for success. And ultimately, drive your business growth forward.

Here are three factors to consider when onboarding new hires:

Time Tracking

NetSuite includes a powerful time-tracking system that allows you to track employee hours and billable time. 

To set up time tracking for your employees, you must configure their time-tracking preferences in NetSuite. 

You can also set up time approvers to ensure that all time entries are reviewed and approved before they are submitted for billing.

Project Management Tool

NetSuite's project management tool allows you to manage projects and tasks within the system. 

To train your employees to use the project management tool, you must assign them to the appropriate projects and tasks. 

You can also set up project managers to oversee the progress of each project and ensure that all tasks are completed on time.

Onboarding Requirements

It’s important to ensure that new employees can access all the tools and resources needed to do their jobs effectively when onboarding. 

This includes providing them with NetSuite login credentials and ensuring they have the appropriate roles and permissions to access the system. 

You should also provide them with training on how to use the system and any other tools they will be using regularly.


As a Netsuite Administrator, you play a crucial role in the offboarding process. Should an employee need to leave the company, following a specific process ensures that your sensitive data is protected.

Revoking Access

The first step in offboarding is to revoke the employee's access to Netsuite. 

As a Netsuite Administrator, you should have a list of all employee access, including roles, permissions, and workflows. You should also have a list of all the integrations the employee had access to, such as third-party applications and SaaS providers.

To revoke access, follow the steps outlined in the NetSuite Applications Suite - Using the SuiteApp for Employee Offboarding guide. 

The guide lists common tasks, including creating an offboarding template, entering a termination date on the employee record, creating an offboarding plan, and managing the offboarding plan.

Exit Interview

The second step in the offboarding process is to conduct an exit interview. 

The exit interview is an opportunity to gain insights into why the employee is leaving and to gather feedback on the company, the job, and the work environment. 

As a Netsuite Administrator, you may not be directly involved in conducting the exit interview. Still, you should ensure that the employee's access to Netsuite is revoked before the interview.


Hiring a NetSuite Administrator is a crucial step toward ensuring your business's success. With the right person or team, you can streamline your business processes, improve your data management, and enhance your user experience.

However, hiring NetSuite administrators is time-consuming and may also prevent you from meeting business needs, especially if you’re growing fast.

Look for someone with the right mix of skills. These include system documentation, troubleshooting, data management, and user support. You should also consider their NetSuite experience, problem-solving, and communication skills.

To ensure you find the right candidate, you can use various resources. These include job boards, recruitment agencies, and referrals from your network. Alternatively, you can outsource your NetSuite Administration to a third-party provider like Atticus.

Ready to take your business to the next level? Contact us here to get the ball rolling!

For more detailed insights, download our exclusive 2024 NetSuite staffing salary guide and learn about the latest industry trends, salary benchmarks, and how to hire top-tier NetSuite talent.

Long-Term Costs
Cost-effective for skilled talent
Cost-effective but needs initial investment
High, offers control and flexibility
Moderate, reduces overhead
Initial training and technology
Highest initial and ongoing costs
Access to nearby skilled talent
Large global talent pool
Maximum control over operations
Download the Salary Guide to compare average salaries of top NetSuite ERP professionals.
Key Differences
Not over PHP 250,000
Not over USD 434.49
Over PHP 250,000 but not over PHP 400,000
15% of the excess over PHP 250,000
Over USD 434.49 but not over USD 695.18
Over PHP 400,000 but not over PHP 800,000
PHP 22,500 + 20% of the excess over PHP 400,000
Over USD 695.18 but not over USD 1,390.36
Over PHP 800,000 but not over PHP 2,000,000
PHP 102,500 + 25% of the excess over PHP 800,000
Over USD 1,390.36 but not over USD 34,759.04

Frequently Asked Questions


Compare NetSuite ERP talent salaries

Attracting top NetSuite talent with clear job descriptions is the first step. Understanding salaries is your next key move! Download this free salary guide to view talent costs, offshore hiring tips, and more

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